Fall Gardening Ideas for 2019

Fall Gardening

Fall, the time when pumpkin spice everything hits the shelves and the trees start putting out the most spectacular displays. It is a time of winding down, of getting the garden ready for the winter ahead. In this post, we will look at fall gardening ideas that you will enjoy.

Go Hunting for Bargains

Your nursery is bound to have some pretty great specials on a range of different items. This is an especially good time to start looking for a few new trees.

Get Your Beds in Order

We love spring and summer because of the profusion of color that they offer. Fall allows you the chance to get into the garden and divide out clumps that need to be divided. If you want to move anything, the early fall is the right time to do so. Your plants need to be settled before the frost starts.


Your motion sensor sprinkler won’t need to do nearly as much work as the days start to cool down. Reduce this even further by mulching the beds. The added advantage of mulching is that it helps to provide some warmth for plants as the temperature drops.

And, naturally, a thick layer of mulch will prevent the weeds from growing.

Make Your Garden a Paradise

You can start cutting the perennials back now but do leave anything that has a seed head and some grasses alone. Birds also need to eat during the fall. Also, leave flowers in place so that berries can form later on to be used as food.

Look Towards Sustainability

How do you normally process your garden waste? What do you do with the leaves from your trees? Are you paying for them to be taken away? Save yourself the trouble and give your garden a boost as well by shredding them and then working them into your garden.

Alternatively, put them in the compost pile. And do make sure that your compost pile carries on degrading over winter by covering it with straw or leaves to help keep the heat in.

Plan for Next Spring

Now is when you should be planting those bulbs that bloom in spring. You get a head-start on the beautiful spring display and get to eagerly watch for the first tentative green shoots that herald the end of winter.

Go Potty

This tip is going to depend on where you live and how cold it gets. If your area is subject to freezing temperatures, it is time to clean off your ceramic pots and, once dry, store them. A cool place with little moisture is ideal. As these pots are porous, if they get wet, they could crack when the weather is freezing.

Plastic, fiberglass, metal, and stone can be used instead – they can handle the cold.

Its Your Turn to Give It A Try

Ready, set, go – you are now ready to get your garden in order for fall. You know what things to focus on and so all you have to do now is to get out there and do them. Have fun this fall and do keep warm!

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