Problems with Garden Pests?
Are you having a problem with garden pests? You might never see the actual culprits, but you know they’ve been there because they have chomped their way through your prized petunias. Want to know how to deal with them easily and safely? Let’s go through that in this post, shall we?
Iin this article we are looking at the more persistent pests that creep and crawl all over your plants and flowers.
These are one of the most prolific pests you will find. They can create an incredible amount of damage for such tiny creatures. They have small pear-shaped bodies and can be white or pale green in color. They suck the sap out of the plants, making it impossible for the plants to support their leaves.
- Your first step here is to set your motion sensor sprinkler at full speed to try to wash off as many as possible.
- Got any ladybugs somewhere in the garden? They love snacking on aphids.
- Alternatively, make a spray using chili and garlic, diluted in boiling water and left to cool. Spray on regularly.
- If this doesn’t help, get some Neem oil.
We all know the story of how the ugly caterpillar becomes a beautiful butterfly. It is very inspirational but the damage caterpillars can do will leave you pulling your hair out. In addition, they find it easy to hide away.
- Here you are best encouraging birds and lizards into your garden.
- You can also go caterpillar hunting.
- Floating row covers offer a solution for those who would not find the previously mentioned options suitable.
Cabbage Maggot
These will attach any crops in the cabbage family. They are nasty because they tunnel into the roots. The first that you will know about these is when the plant starts dying or becomes ill.
- Floating row covers may help.
- Use nematodes when planting. These will eat the maggots.
- Always burn the roots from previous harvests.
These are nocturnal worms uniquely suited for their purpose. They are dark or gray and so difficult to pick up at night. If your seedlings disappear completely, or you find that the stalks have been cut low to the ground, this is probably what is doing it.
- Your best defense is to protect the plant. You can make a simple collar by cutting it off the top and bottom of a small plastic soda bottle. Use enough plastic to ensure that the whole main stem is protected and that the sheath can be extended down into the ground as well.
- You can also hunt the worms.
The females can be difficult to see because they often look like a strange extension of the stem or leaf. The males are easier to identify as pests, but they are also quite small. They also suck the sap from the plant. If left unchecked, the plant will die.
- Prune any areas that are infested.
- Try to make conditions right for natural predators that will feed on them.
- You can also try to remove the scales using a very soft-bristled brush and soapy, tepid water. Once everything has been removed, rinse carefully.
- Apply Neem oil.
Japanese beetle
These are quite pretty to look at – there bodies are a blue-green color, and the have wing covers that shimmer like bronze. That doesn’t make them any less dangerous, though. If you are finding skeletonized leaves, chewed flowers, and defoliation in general, this could be your problem.
- You can reduce the damage by hunting for them.
- Use traps containing bait to lure them away.
- Or try floating row covers.
These are just some of the most common pests you are likely to come across in your garden. We hope that after reading this, you have a better idea of what they do and what you can do to stop them.